Welcome to the MTCS class of '86 page!

It's time to plan our reunion!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ideas for the Reunion

Some people have said they would like a nice dinner and a family picnic for reunion activities. Here are some links for info. Let me know what your preference is.

Smyrna Recreation Park

Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation

Murfreesboro restaurants

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reunion time

It's time to start planning our 25th year class reunion! How exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing all of my good high school friends soon. I've sent out personal update forms for everyone to complete and to give suggestions for the activities that we should plan. Here is a link to the Personal update form .

I look forward to hearing from everyone soon. Here are a few pictures. I don't have many...so send me some!